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Congratulations Seniors--and Thank You!

Booster Editor

Tonight is the last home game of the football season and while it is not their last performance, it will be the last halftime march in Jim McCann Stadium for our five seniors of the 2019-2020 Marching Warriors.

So I want to say a brief and incomplete thank you to Kyle Daniels, Marilyn Diaz, Eric Glasgow, Emma Moran, and Jadon Orr. You five have been leaders for the marching band for years now. Your commitment to each year's show and your example to everyone else in the band has meant a lot to your fellow bandies and to the parents and staff who have watched you all.

Our hearts will be full tonight when we take a moment during the game to honor you. And our hearts will be saddened when you leave us at season's end. But your time with the Marching Warriors cannot be properly stated and will not be forgotten.

Thank you for all that you have meant to this marching band.

We appreciate you.



WNHS 950 County Line Rd Westerville OH United States 43081

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