Westerville North Bands is holding a Junior

Marching Band Experience for students going into 4th-8th grades! We are excited to introduce students to the fun marching band family .
Grades 4-6 will be introduced to wind instruments, percussion, marching, and colorguard. They will get to try out instruments and get an understanding of how instruments and movement work together to create a show.
Grades 7 and 8 will work on technique on instruments that they are playing in middle school and learn the basics of other parts of the band including winds, percussion, and colorguard.
If you are interested in music, we are the place for you!
Dates: June 7-9, 2022
Rising 4th through 6th graders: 9:30am to noon
Rising 7th and 8th graders: 1-3:30pm
Cost: $60 (includes a t-shirt if registered by 5/20/22, a recorder, and snacks)
Register by
1. completing this google form
https://forms.gle/KGXd3v14qez9WhKz8 and sending payment to the address below
2. print and fill out the Jr. Marching Band form here: https://wnmbvpres.wixsite.com/wnmb/blank-page
Mail the completed form and a check to the address below.
send payment:
Please write the checks to WNMB and mail to:
PO Box 1914
Westerville, OH 43086
If you have further questions, contact Sharon Dewey at pres@wnmb.org or 614-674-4391.