Ms. Loney has provided documents online for both pregame and WILD coordinate sheets and other documents. Currently there are WILD coordinate sheets for Movement 1 through Movement 3.
If your student needs to get a replacement copy or to print one out, here is what you need to do to get the sheets.
Step 1--Visit the wnmb.org site. Click the Marching Band button in the menu above (in the top left corner of this website).
Step 2--This will take you to the main Marching Band page. Scroll down to see the button links.
Step 3--Click the WILD Show and Pregame - Coordinate Sheets, Drill Animation, etc. button. This will open a new browser tab on Dropbox.
Step 4--On Dropbox you will see the folders for Movements 1 through 3 as well as Pregame. (As the new parts of the show are added, other folder will appear.)
NOTE--You can also access music for WILD Parts 1 through 4 via the other Access Parts button on the page. Finally, the Music Packets button gives you access to stand tunes, the national anthem, and many other necessary music--all divided by instrument.
Big thanks to Cindy Munson for keeping these files up to date online.