(Sorry that I don't have a snappy title to go with this post today.)
Full disclosure: I wasn't at the football game last night. But I heard from my wife and my daughter that it was a good time. True that the game did not end with another win for the Warriors footballers. But I think that the band had fun.
Last night's student section theme was "Prep Night"--which I think is what we used to call Preppie when I was in high school. And since the band was in uniform, you couldn't really pop your polo collar or show off your multiple Swatch watches. So, some bow ties filled in and smartened up the kids. As always, thanks to the parents and the staff for working hard every week to bring together these ideas that unite all of the students across their various duties and responsibilities. It always makes a difference.
There are many good pictures of the band on the Westerville North Music Boosters Facebook page showing off the fun last night. The reason that I picked this one (thanks, as always, to Aaron Layne for this photo) is because it captured--I think?--everyone in the band all at once. All of the kids doing something and most of the staff.
To me, that speaks to what makes band, and so many other high school groups, so special. It gives kids a team, a tribe, a set of friends, shared experiences. If they are anything like me, these people and this time in their lives will resonate with them long past their years in high school. I hope this is true for these kids and for all of the band members that come later. I know it is one of the reasons that the adults show up week after week to help make each game, halftime performance, competition, and pep rally about town work.
But, most importantly, it is so great to see the kids put their practice into public. They all work so hard during the school week to fine-tune their marching, to make the music bright, to celebrate each performance of every person. And they do it as a group. Together.
So, if you see a band kid today--and I hope you do because today is the 2019 Westerville Invitational being hosted at Jim McCann Stadium--tell them "Good job!" They have earned it.
